About Debra Reynolds

Debra ReynoldsIt was back in 1992 when my journey into the Alternative Health field verse Medical/Allopathic Health began. My daughter Jennifer, who was 8 years old then had what I thought was a normal cold, she had a runny nose, cough and a fever for 4 days now so I needed to take her to the doctors, or so I thought.

As I reached for the phone however, my Aunt Marilyn came to mind, she just told me about going to a Nutritionist and had some great results so I went through the Yellow Pages and found Carol Ferguson in Colorado Springs, CO. Carol told me I could bring her in at noon that same day.

Carol was great and answered all my questions, then went to work on Jennifer. She did something that fascinated me, something called Applied Kinesiology, a.k.a… muscle testing and found out Jennifer had a bad sinus infection, not a cold at all. Carol put Jennifer on an emergency plan with nutritional supplements via pills and tinctures every 2 to 3 hours and by 8:30 pm, Jennifer was 90% better! I was amazed and hooked into this new way of healing the body by feeding the body what it is needing and knew I wanted to learn more and perhaps learn how to help others feel better also.

I moved to Berthoud in 2005 with the desire to help others feel good still be one of my goals in life when I heard about Iridology, the study of the iris being a reflection to the health within the body. I went to my first Iridologist, Susan in Fort Collins and let her know my desire to learn about this way of detecting dis-ease, she told me about her teacher in Littleton, CO, Lorna Silva.

Lorna was teaching an Iridology class along with a variety of other subjects so I signed up and learned about the fascinating tool of Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing), Chinese Tongue, Face and Nails, Aroma Therapy, Bach Flower Essence, Blood Analysis and Chinese Herbology. I became certified as an Iridologist and Master Herbalist, with certificates in Chinese Tongue, Face and Nails and Nutritional Consulting.

I also had others enter my life to teach me about the aura, crystal therapy, releasing memory at the cellular level, how to go within to heal your physical issues and the Law of Attraction.

The energy came to me one day while working with a client’s aura. This beam of energy came out of the palm of my hands and I somehow knew it was energy, I was unsure of what to do with it so I kept it moving up and down my clients spine. Soon afterwards, I had a man come into my life who taught me about energy and how he has been able to help others heal with it. I later took classes and became a Reiki Master/Teacher, the highest level in Reiki training.

I also had the privilege of working with dogs to help heal their paralysis. Animals are very receptive to energy work, in fact, when I would arrive at my clients home, the dog would greet me and couldn’t hardly wait for me to sit on the floor with them and get started.

Through what I learned, I created a 4 step process for people and a 3 step process for animals that I believe has helped me make a difference in the lives of my clients, both humans and animals, for which I am grateful.

I decided to make my practice about helping others heal while keeping it affordable, so I only charge $80 for my sessions.

I am here for you and feel blessed you have chosen me to help you or your pets with your issues!

On a more personal level, I am the mother of 2 wonderful young adults and grandmother of 5 beautiful grandchildren. I love being outdoors hiking, camping, gardening and motorcycle riding. I also love any type of art, skiing, sledding and of course, making snow angels! I have lived in 3 states; Texas, Alabama, and Colorado which it where I grew up and call home.